viernes, octubre 26, 2018

[OpenArena] McKinley says hi!

Another tribute map! This time I've tried to recreate a more complex, yet well-known map that most Quakers hold dear in their CTF hearts: the McKinley series (McKinley Base in the ground-breaking Threewave CTF for Quake, McKinley Revival in Threewave CTF for Quake II). Two bases, a frontal entrance and a secondary entrance from a water pit, the middle area is a bridge suspended over a big pool of water... In order to stay mostly true to the originals, the grapple (then a dummied out item) had to be added.

However, the initial version of the map, simply called am_mckinleyish forgot an important part: the turn between the bases and the ramp to them was omitted, and as a result, the bases were smaller than in the originals. Not to mention, due to my noobiness at that time, it was... very badly built. To my surprise, however, it still plays well. The first versions of this map date from 2008 and 2009.

Since I was starting to dislike the idea of directly copying the maps (and OA in general was starting to steer away from being a clone artwork-wise, i.e. no more tribute maps), I've decided to shake things a lot in the version that shipped with 0.8.8, named am_mckinleyish2. The general structure of the map was still there, but the bases and their respective areas would be connected by way of teleporters, and the bases would gain some more entrances (there are four of them, one via teleporters, other via rocket jumping, and the other two by lateral entrances). Other changes include the powerups being at the same distance for both teams, and the underwater chamber being moved more to the middle. It now was (almost) a symmetric map.

There's mot much more to mention about these maps, and I don't really have plans for them at this point, but I'm leaving their mentions here for completeness sake, and because I still like these maps. Here are the places where you can find them:
Have fun!

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